M08feb24            GTCA Executive Committee Meeting 3 pm Sunday, February 24, 2008   Return to Executive Committee Home


The Greater Trilby Community Association

Executive Committee Minutes

Corrected and approved at meeting of March 17, 2008


Sunday, February 24, 2008


Present: Herb, Evalyne, Judy, Denny, Jenni, Dave Huff, Shirley, Richard, Kathy, Linda


Herb presented a graphic representation of the organization and responsibilities of its members.  This is a typed version.


Board of Directors – Scott Black, Chair

Members, Herb Green, Denny Mihalinec, Richard Riley, Judy Geiger, Kathy Riley

Isa Blanford
Pastor Dave Huff 
Corporal Dave Hink
Bernadine King
Pastor Dave Raley
Kim Rowe
Linda Sherrill


Executive Committee, Herb Green, Chair

Members: Scott Black, Denny Mihalinec, Richard Riley, Judy Geiger, Kathy Riley, Linda Sherrill, Evalyne Green, Dave Hink, Dave Huff


Primary Coordinators:

Programs and Special Events:             Denny

Religion                                                Dave Huff

Office Administrator                            Evalyne

Publications                                          Jenni and Kathy

Growth and Development                Denny and Dave Raley



Spring Event                                         Judy

4th of July Picnic                           Linda

Youth / Sports                                      Kim

Garden / Beautification                Shirley Huff

Fall Festival (Sept 27)                                  Kathy

Historical                                              Richard / Scott

Awards                                                Denny

Christmas                                             Judy


Herb developed the outline above and then people volunteered or were volunteered for the positions.


Herb discussed the concerns that the Office of Greenways and Trails has about responsibility for the land around the trailer at Depot Park.  He will work with Cpl. Hink in trying to get an inexpensive survey of the land.  He foresees no problems.  He says that we plan to use the trailer as a youth center in the near future.


On the same topic, Judy asked about the planned painting of the trailer.  The immediate problem is how to power-wash the trailer in prep for the painting, since there is no power for the well on site.  A suggested solution would be to have two gas generators, one for the pump and one for the washer.  There was concern about how to connect the 220v for the pump, but Richard said he could probably do it, or Carl Wells, an electrician, could.  Denny will provide the cleaner solution.


Herb announced that the GTCA Security Patrol will now include the Lacoochee group and the patrol will now be known as the Tri-Community Security Patrol.


Denny reported that he has been working the Pasco Community Development and they will coordinate a Needs Assessment for the Trilby area.  He will work with St. Leo on getting the help of college students.  Herb suggested that our other benefit will be a database of interested residents.


Money was discussed and three approaches were listed. 

1) Donations for operating expenses.              Judy

2) Fund raising activities                                   Denny

3) Grant writing                                                Kathy and Denny and Judy


Richard reported that he deposited $115 as income from the Tour de Trilby.  There were three participants and one sponsor (Thanks Denny!).  Richard and Kathy donated the cost of pancakes and coffee, Kim donated juice, Judy donated bacon, and Cpl Hink and the Boy Scouts donated the cooking and kitchen cleaning. 


Jenni and Denny talked about how Ridge Manor gets donations from residents, and how we might be able to get donations for our operating expenses. 


Jenni also asked for ideas on what the reasons are to join or donate to the Association that she should be used in her publications. 


Jenni was asked to take over the writing and organizing of the newsletter.  Richard will send copies of the format.  Herb will get it published and distributed.  He stated that mail is one of the best ways to distribute, but we don’t have enough funds to do that yet.


Denny mentioned that he has been in contact with the owners of the Wildlife Zoo outside Dade City and that they would like to include the Tri-Community in its Trolley run.  He suggested that we might be able to get some of the tour revenue.  Richard and Scott will work on helping Jenni with a historic handout for the area for the tour.


Next meeting of the Executive Committee is scheduled for Monday, March 17th (St. Patrick’s Day) at 7 pm.


Judy will meet with Herb on Tuesday to transfer the responsibility of Association Treasurer.


Meeting adjourned at 4:40


Submitted by Richard Riley, Secretary