M08jan27.doc             January 28, 2008            Minutes of Executive Committee meeting     Return to Executive Committee Home

The Greater Trilby Community Association

Executive Committee Minutes

Corrected and approved at meeting of March 17, 2008


Sunday, January 27, 2008


Meeting was called to order by Herb Green, 3:13 pm.

Attending:  Herb Green, President, Judy Geiger, Vice President, Kim Rowe, Treasurer, Richard Riley, Secretary, Kathy Riley, Newsletter Editor, Board members Denny Mihalinec, David Hink, Committee member Evalyne Green and GTCA member Jenni Mihalinec. 

Herb opened the meeting with an apology to all and specifically to Denny Mihalinec for the Executive Committee meeting of January 20th and the events that followed.   He stated that because Denny was not available, the meeting should not have been held.  He stated that he was revoking the meeting, but the consensus of the committee was that the meeting could not be revoked, but this meeting could correct any problems arising from the previous meeting.

Denny explained that some of the reports listed in the minutes of the last meeting were in error and detailed the corrections. 

Concerning the meeting with FDOT in Tampa, Denny explained that he was unaware that the personnel there had changed, and now knows that the present people do not want to donate Peterson Park to anybody, but are looking to sell it at market value.  His previous contact there had indicated that they would consider giving it to a 501(c)(3) organization.  He stated that he had worked with Scott Black in the past about getting the park reopened.  He apologized for his mistake.

Concerning the meeting with Ginny Brown-Waite’s Office, Herb said that we should have canceled the meeting if Denny had not been available to attend. 

Denny stated that the meeting was supposed to be about the Lacoochee Industrial Park and an Enterprise Zone.  He stated that Bill Logan (from Channel 28) asked him about the homeless center during an interview for the Jefferson Award, and if it was to be built in Lacoochee, and that he did not volunteer that information.  He stated that the Journey Village, the organization that he has to work with the homeless has nothing to do with GTCA.  It has its own board of 11 directors, and $250 dollars in donations. 

Herb stated that Denny is an asset to our community and our organization because he has a gift of contacting people and bringing in a person with new ideas.  Evalyne stated that there were certain projects that should be limited to being presented by the President.  Herb stated that he wanted the Executive Committee to make the decisions, not individual GTCA members.

The minutes of January 20 were discussed.  Richard handed out a copy of the draft minutes that Herb had approved.  Richard read the entire document.  Judy moved that we approve the minutes as read.  Kathy seconded.  During discussion, it was agreed that we would go over the minutes to address concerns that Denny had with them.  Vote was 5 nays, one abstention. Minutes were not approved.

It was then agreed to go over the minutes again, paragraph-by-paragraph in order to make corrections. 

Denny expressed concern and that he felt bad.  He stated that he had been working on this association and the greater Trilby area for the past ten years and that he had come to the meeting with his heart open and forgiving for misunderstandings.  He felt that the meeting was disrespectful to him and he wanted the errors in the minutes corrected. 

Herb stated that he had pushed for the meeting on the 20th to clarify the concerns brought up by the possible linking of Journey Village and GTCA.  He stated that he told Richard to post the minutes after he had talked with Denny on Wednesday, January 23rd.  He again apologized to Denny and Richard for the conflict.

The minutes were reviewed, line-by-line, and seven changes were made in the text.  All members of the above attendance list were present at this time and were given an opportunity to comment and offer changes.  The changes were made and Richard stated that he would post the corrected version. 

Judy moved that the minutes of January 20, 2008 be accepted as corrected.  Evalyne seconded.  Vote was 5 ayes, one abstention.  Minutes were approved.

It was agreed that in the future, Richard would send copies of the draft minutes to all members of the Executive Committee and other attendees and request changes, additions and deletions and all members would check the minutes for accuracy. 

The minutes of this and future meetings will not be posted until approved by the Executive Committee at the next meeting.


At 4:45, the meeting moved onto other agenda items.

Bike Rally:  Kim Rowe and Denny Mihalinec, co-chairs.  It was reported that we have one registration with check, and no new sponsors beyond Denny’s business and Kim’s businesses.  Judy asked what costs would be incurred if there were no more sponsors and very few attendees.  Richard reported that the water would be at no cost.  Kim stated that outside of the pancakes, there would be no other costs.  It was agreed to not cancel the rally, but to go with the ones that pre-register and those that show up on the 9th.  Cpl. Dave Hink stated that he already had the pancake mix, and if there was not a large croud, he may not need help from TUMC members.  The meeting scheduled for Monday, Jan 28 was canceled and the next meeting will be next Sunday, February 3rd at 5 pm.

Herb presented a brief treasurer’s report stating that there was approximately $500 in the account with only one $84 outstanding bill.  Bills left over from the Fall Festival have been paid.  With the anticipated new treasurer being selected at the election this Thursday, Herb will work with them to clean-up the checkbook and update computer records.

Denny and Herb reported that the St. Leo clean-up of the Greenways trailer and yard on January 21st was very successful.  Richard reported that he had sent a news article and photo to The Laker concerning the day.  Herb will provide Richard with the St. Leo contact and Richard will write a thank-you letter.

Herb presented a list of possible events that we could do in the next year, and he wanted people to help decide.

County Fair Parade --Monday, February 18th  -- Herb will drive Security Patrol vehicle.  Denny will gather people to hand out information about Trilby.

Independence Day Picnic in Manor Park -- Friday, July 4th. -- Cpl Hink may have a BBQ competition in addition to our regular events.

Kathy obtained a grant to provide a summer park program on Saturdays in June, July and August.  Jenni was appointed chair of the planning committee.  An event coordinator would be selected to work those days.  Richard suggested considering Denny, based upon his experience with youth in the church.

The Fall Festival will be on September 27th.  Committee has not yet been selected.

The Association may work with Lacoochee School or Stanley Park in Halloween events.

The Trilby United Methodist Church is planning a Thanksgiving Day dinner for Trilby area residents.  GTCA may volunteer to assist and contribute.

Judy suggested that there be a cookies and punch Christmas get-together for the general public.

Evalyne reported that Kathleen Fink has announced that she will no longer be able to work on the ACCESS project on the three days a week that she was because she will be getting a paying job in Zephyrhills and may have to move out of her home in the near future.  Evalyne asked people to consider what days they could work on the ACCESS program.

Judy stated that she had sent out an e-mail on Friday asking for nominations for the officers and board members, but had not yet received any replies.  People promised to respond.

Herb reminded all that in addition to the Annual Meeting on Thursday January 31st, at 7 pm there was a security patrol meeting on Friday, Feb 1 at 7 pm.

Meeting was adjourned around 5:30 pm.

-- Submitted by Richard Riley, Secretary