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Updated January 21, 2006
Minutes of Board of Directors and Executive Board meetings are at Board Minutes.
Minutes of January 19, 2006 annual meeting of the Greater Trilby Community Association.
Officers in attendance:
Herb Green, President
Kathleen Fink, Vice President
Richard Riley, Secretary
Kim Rowe, Treasurer
Board members in attendance:
Scott Black, Chair
Karyn Pirrello, Vice Chair
Marline Nichols, Eileen Lamb, Jeremiah Fink
Board members absent:
Cassie Coleman, Bernadette King, Juan Guary, David Raley, Isa Bladford, Sierra O’Neil
Reporters: Kathy Riley, Joe Potter
County: Deputy Gennis Folsom
Meeting called to order at 8:05 pm
Secretary’s Report: Richard presented a photograph of the Christmas Party with Scott speaking to children of Trilby.
Treasurer’s Report: Kim reported that we have about $650 in our account. Herb said that he had spent $225 of that amount for police radios for the security patrol. He reported that Withlacoochee Electric had donated a check for $225 to our association for those radios.
Herb promised Lovea Thomas that we would soon put up the Crime Watch signs that she had donated money for.
Herb handed over the gavel to Scott to hold the election of officers. The slate of existing officers was presented by the nominating committee. Scott asked for nominations from the floor. Karyn moved and Lovea seconded that the slate presented be accepted. Vote was unanimous.
Scott returned the gavel to Herb.
Herb reported on the ACCESS program that had donated computers and office furniture to the association and the Methodist Church. He asked for volunteers to be trained to help people in the area use the system to seek assistance, annually register, and to update their status. Discussion continued about the best ways to publicize the service.
Herb reported on the status of the building and the new locks. Keys have been distributed and Richard has extra copies for those who use the center.
Gennis Folsum reported on how he will have information about police reports sent to Herb and the Crime Watch team. Herb will get with Tony Willum about residents signing up for a “car stop program” that allows your car to be stopped between midnight and six am in case it has been stolen.
It was suggested that we have another yard sale in April or May
Kathleen introduced and thanked the Trilby Teens for helping clean up the Community Center.
Katrina and Bridget from the Samaritans organization at St. Leo’s College. They spoke about the after school program that they are working on with us. At the moment, they are volunteering their time to work with Trilby youth on Monday afternoons 3:30 to 5 pm. They would love to have more students seeking help, and could visit more often if needed. They asked us to try to get more students involved.
We asked people to come up with ideas, goals, objectives, visions of what we can do for and with Trilby in the next year. These are some of the ideas that were mentioned:
Reporter Joe Potter, in attendance, was recognized as the heir to, but not founder of the Dade City Banner, Scott’s research resource.
Adjourn at 8:30 pm.
Minutes not taken at October 20 General Meeting -- Presentation of movie "Trilby", 1915 version. 50+ in attendance
Minutes not taken at September meeting -- Presentation of Recognition and Prevention of Domestic Violence.
M05aug18.doc August 19, 2005
Minutes of August 18, 2005
General Meeting of
Greater Trilby Community Association
Attendance was approximately 18 adults including two reporters.
Officers and Board Members in attendance:
Herb Green, President
Kathleen Fink, Vice President
Kim Rowe, Acting Treasurer
Richard Riley, Secretary
Denny Mihalinec, Board Chair
Eileen Lamb, Board Member
Meeting called to order by Herb Green
Pledge of Allegiance led by Keith
General Business
Mike xxxx discussed the possibility of a “first responder” course for TCA and Security Patrol members. The class is 40 hours, and can be done on Saturdays at the Lacoochee Volunteer Fire Department building. He passed out sign-up slips for the class.
Activities and Crafts Coordinator, Eileen Lamb reported on the scheduled events that she has planned for the month of September. She is looking for suggestions on other activities. She has not been able to find instructors for Yoga or Ti Che.
Monday, 11-1 Crafts. Stenciling, etching, clay
Monday, 3-5 One-Step painting
Wednesday, Painting
Friday, Line dancing
Kim Rowe has accepted the job as Association Treasurer, and will be nominated at the next board meeting.
Richard Riley, Secretary reported that minutes of the previous General meeting would be posted by the door. There was not a Board meeting this month. He then introduced Marlene Nichols in the audience, the new Postmistress. She stated that where the previous Postmasters and Postmistresses have been temporary, she is assigned here permanently. Richard later announced that the Association now has its separate Post Office Box. The address is TCA, P. O. Box 33, Trilby, FL 33593
Lighting and Electrical Safety Presentation
WREC (Withlacoochee Electric Cooperative)
Swap service areas with Progress Energy. Within three years.
Minutes of July 21, 2005 GTCA General Meeting
Officers in attendance:
Herb Green, President
Richard Riley, Secretary
Kim Rowe, Acting Treasurer
Denny Mihalinec, Board Chair
Eileen Lamb, Board Member
Meeting called to order by Herb at 7 pm. Herb led the Pledge of Allegiance and Denny provided the invocation.
Herb reported on the board meeting that was held July 18.
Bylaws were amended to increase Board membership from 11 to 15.
Richard Riley was elected to Board
Scott Black was elected to Board
September 15 awards dinner will be at the Social Hall of the Trilby Methodist Church.
Denny is requesting nominations for the following categories of people and businesses: Citizen, Non-Profit organization, Business, Volunteer, Crime Watch members, Youth, Senior Citizen, Church.
Nominations should explain what the nominee has done to deserve this award and be 150 words or less. Nominations should be sent to Denny Mihalinec, 19540 Old Trilby Road, Dade City, FL.
Denny is local chapter head of the STEPS program, which is providing school supplies to children in need in the Tri-Community area. Local distribution will be August 6.
Cans donated to the collection box in front of the Community Center will go to Habitat for Humanity.
Herb stated that there will be some fund raising activities in the near future, including a community yard sale. More information will follow.
Herb announced that Lovea Thomas will donate a defibrillator to the Security Patrol and First Responder team of TCA. She was thanked. First Responder training will begin this September.
In Comments from the Audience, a member asked for a stoplight to be placed at the Trilby Road and 301 intersection, by the Christian Coffee House. Herb and Denny explained that they have been discussing the upgrading of the flashing yellow light at Trilby Road and 98 as well, and that it appears to be a major effort to convince the County and the Department of Transportation. They promised to continue their efforts.
Herb announced that the July/August issue of the newsletter is now available, and introduced the editor, Kathy Riley, in the audience.
In the Program portion of the meeting, There were two speakers:
The honorable Ken Littlefield, Representative of District 61, spoke about why he got into politics. He said that he works for us, the public, and told several positive and uplifting stories of his political career. He stated that his purpose in politics was the same as every member of the Trilby area that was at the meeting; to make a difference. He congratulated us on our interest, involvement, and desire to make this place to be safer, better and healthier.
F. J. Collura of the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office presented a PowerPoint show on Identity Theft and how to protect oneself. He spoke about how mail credit card offers should never be discarded, but shredded. Checks should never be left in roadside mailboxes with the red flag up. The sheriff’s office should be notified if one suspects that there are fraudulent credit card or other bills. There were questions and examples from members of the audience during the 35-minute presentation.
Certificates of Appreciation were given to both speakers.
Meeting adjourned at 8:15
Minutes of May 19, 2005
The Greater Trilby Community Association
General Public Meeting
May 19, 2005
Minutes by Kathleen Fink, Secretary
I. Pledge
Of Allegiance: Jeremiah Fink
II. Prayer:
Denny Mihalinec
III. Introduction: Herb Green
A. The Monthly Board Meetings will be held every 3rd Monday,
before the General Public Meeting, anyone wanting to advertise / or write an
article for the monthly newsletter (deadline is June 23rd & free
ads up to 30 words), or join one of the many committees are encouraged to
communicate with the Board Members for approval.
B. Crime Watch Coordinator: Carl Wells
C. Social Group Activities: Eileen Lamb
1. Line dance on Fridays
2. Painting class on Wednesdays
3. June 25th 2005, Country Dance
New Treasurer: Pauline Hunt
Healthy Families of Pasco: Ciara, is present on the behalf of Kathy Bell.
The mission of Pasco Kids First, Inc. is to provide families with
services, currently serving about 200 to 300 families. The temporary local
office is at Cox Elementary School and will relocate to the Trilby School.
1. Positive parenting classes
2. Mom’s support groups, teaching them how to take care of their babies
3. Encourage them to get their GED and vocational training
4. Career Central Volunteers are helping to wash and clean clothing to
the Store House (Boutique) located inside the Trilby United Methodist Church.
This is where moms and dads are encouraged to shop for food and clothing, while
their babies are being taken care of by an adult in the nursery.
5. Donations are appreciated.
6. GED classes are held from 9 to 12, on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
F. Southeastern Guide Dogs: Bob introduced Bill and his
guide dog “Guidy”.
began talking about the facility located in Palmetto, Florida. It was built in
1982 and since then has new additions on 23 acres. They have separate kennels
for puppies and dogs in training. Currently, the facility has 14 students, who
are required to spend 26 days training and bonding with their dog, which was
matched to the human companion’s daily needs and disability. Not necessarily
by the color of the dog, but by the dogs training knowledge.
Southeastern Guide Dog facility trains 100 to 200 guide dogs each year, with the
help from 100 breeders in foster homes. 30 puppy raisers get the puppies when
they are 4 months old and raise them until they are 14 to 20 months old, along
with 58 to 62 days of training. There is a mandatory 6 month separation between
the dog and its puppy raiser. There is a 98% success rate with the teams. For
the first 6 months to a year, the team communicates on a regular basis. The life
span of a guide dog is 8 to 10 years. The
primary dog breeds, which Southeastern Guide Dog facilities prefer are the:
Yellow Lab & Golden Retriever,
2) Newfoundland AKC, England,
Australian Shepherds, especially for herding and helping ranchers,
Short Haired Collie, is similar to the extinct Hungarian Visia from Turkish and
European decent were the first breed of guide dog.
5) German
Southeastern Guide Dog Budget per year:
1) Facility
Expense: 3 Million
2) $ 3,000 per dog
3) Donations fund this
When ever you come in contact with a guide dog, please do
not pet, feed, etc., because they are “eyes” of their owner. The owner and
guide dog must have 4 months of intensive serious training as a team. They go
through a series of “Intelligence Obedience”.
“IMPACT”: This is a prison system job for inmates and
has proven to be a “wonderful experience”.
In Atlanta and
Charlotte also have a Southeastern Guide Dog Training Facility. There are 10
schools located throughout the US. The larger dog breeds are more stable and
easier to see for the companion. Bill:
Began his speech, by letting us know that he is a victim of glaucoma by the time
he was 40. His eye -sight has been failing over the years and now he is
completely blind. He was referred
to the Southeastern Guide Dogs facility in Palmetto by the VA. He
wanted a black dog, but got a Gold Lab/Retriever named Guidy (4 years old in
2005) instead. Guidy was named after Gene Guidy, and not because he is a guide
dog. Mr. Guidy was a prominent 4H teacher.
1) the liberation of handling dogs may take 1 to 1 ˝ years to be
accepted and teamed with a dog.
2) Bill explained the fear of flunking the class.
He could no longer use his cane, upon his arrival to the facility. He
explained that everything was done by using the sense of touch, such as braille.
(Helen Keller).
3) When you are teamed up with a dog, you get a leather leash; you must
work with it every day while training with your dog. 3 trainers work with the
team and obtain general information about the person’s background. This is the
beginning of the bonding process.
4) Serious training on the facility’s grounds includes using the
dog’s name first, then giving the commands. The dog is tethered to its
companion’s bedside at night.
Bob: The only cost to the new owner is transportation
The City of Bradenton is used for training purposes.
Tampa is also used by the third week of serious training The team will
experience crossing 8 lanes of traffic, walks inside malls, etc. By the fourth week, the team is training for the person’s
independent environment. Followed by a graduation celebration, which includes
the breeders, raisers, trainers and dog’s companion. Remember 9-11-01? A guide dog by the name “Daisy” saved
970 people in the first of the towers. Her
companion unleashed her, knowing that something was wrong. Daisy went up the
stairs, to his companion’s boss, and led them along with 500 people to safety,
then Daisy went back into the tower and rescued another 470 people. New York
Mayor Rudy Guiliano, honored Daisy as a hero.
Minutes of April 21, 2005
The Greater Trilby Community Association, Inc.
Meeting Minutes for April 21, 2005
Kathleen Fink, Secretary
Introduction: Herb Green welcomes everyone to the meeting. He asked it anyone wanted to hear the minutes from the last meeting. The movement was passed to continue with tonight's meeting.
Kathleen Fink: Announced to up-dated information regarding the Children's Safety Rally. Sponsors and vendors are still needed. This lists changes on a daily basis. This rally is my Mother's Day Gift from my heart to Trilby.
Denny Mihalinec: (PR) said that a lot of different media groups are coming to the Children's Safety Rally. He talked about the last Historical Committee meeting, since Scott Black could not attend this meeting. We are working on organizing historical data regarding different locations in Trilby. We are also planning a "movie night" and watching the silent movie from which Trilby was named.
Kathy Riley: Greater Trilby News: announced that the third Monday of May is the deadline for the next newsletter.
Crime Watch: Herb needs new recruits for the crime watch safety patrol. The next crime watch meeting is on Monday, May 2, 2005. The first members to graduate from the Pasco County Sheriffs Office's "Citizen Police Academy", are Carl Wells, Kathleen Fink and Herb Green.
Denny: Welcomed our special guests to the meeting. They are: Wendy- from the P.O.P. program, Habitat for Humanity and Mr. Ted Schrader, a Pasco County Commissioner.
Mr. Ted Schrader: Began his speech by letting everyone know that what he likes what he views in the Trilby community, as positive improvement influence which The Greater Trilby Community Association, Inc., has succeeded with the supportive leadership and teamwork from Trilby community residents and businesses.
Mr. Schrader told Kathleen to contact Mr. Jim Courier who can contact NBC news and have the media come to The Children's Safety Rally.
Mr. Schrader belongs to The Tampa Bay Water Board. This organization is in charge of protecting and preserving the Tampa Bay areas water supply (Hillsborough, Pinellas and Pasco). He mentioned the new Apollo De-Sal water plant. In Pasco today, there has been a change in the ground water. 170 million gallons of water per day, is being "skimmed" from several local rivers, then being "blended" with the ground water.
He informed everyone that Pasco County Fire Chief Lapento, who works on the East side of Pasco, will be completing construction repairs on the Tri-County Fire Department building and putting in "advanced life- support" vehicles and technology. The firefighters and EMT personnel will be professionals. This summer, in Blanton, near the intersection of Trilby Road (575) and Blanton Road, the new Blanton Fire Station will be constructed. Kathleen will have the Trail Blazers map and coordinate Trilby's fire hydrants. We need the water system up-dated. It was 1925, when Trilby burned last.
He also spoke about road improvement projects. GTCA Board Members, would like to have Trilby Road widened (stay 2 lanes) from highway 301 to Blanton Road in order to decrease the risk of future traffic accidents.
January 2006: Christian road to Power Line. Road.
October 2006: Link Power Line to Frazee Hill. Road.
2005-2006: Highway 575, along with Highway 98 north to the Pasco county line.
Always be informed about the (COMP) Pasco revisions! These are state mandated. Remember to plan your ideas with the county ASAP now, for future revisions by new county commissioners. The (CAB) County Advisory Board of Commissioners, maintains the "Blue Print.”
North-east Pasco residential population insists on NOT APPROVING more density in population and preserving the "rural" area.
Ms. Cassie Coleman did a wonderful job at communicating with Mr. Schrader, who had spoke at her church, her concerns about the Trilby Manor Park, located on the comer of Polite & Random. She has in writing the agreement from the county to renovate and improve the park. The drug dealers have been known to use the park for their illegal activities. The county put in a B-B-Q grill, new basketball court & hoops. They did not build a picnic pavilion, restrooms or a water fountain. Ms. Coleman wanted to know when Mr. Schrader would complete the job that he started. He said that he would get the job done, but he had to look at the current budget and the county's water supply for the park.
Denny reminded Mr. Schrader, that he attended the Summit Meeting in Dade City along with county representatives and submitted a Petition for the Trail extension from the Owensboro Trailhead to Dade City. Denny wanted to know if the county could possibly take the project to its next level towards the completion. Mr. Schrader said that the completion of this project would take the cooperation between the DOT, the county and the state. The funding must come from somewhere. Denny wants the approval to complete the trail project in writing. Next year, the DOT is paving 7th street in Dade city and a possible Trailhead, to connect Blanton and Trilby, at the new Blanton Fire Station.
Pastor Dave asked Mr. Schrader about the placement of a traffic light on Highway 98 and 575 (Trilby Road). We already know that there has been 7 deaths already and the county requires 10 deaths. Mr. Schrader replied that he would have to review the warrants to support the results completed by the county. HOG WASH! We need to save lives, not murder them.
Denny re: John Walsh (TEC) stated that the Cummer Industrial Park required a wastewater project according to Harold Sample. Ted said that the package plant had no long-range plans for utilities. Population growth is needed first, but leave N.E. Pasco rural. Don't be discouraged at the present plans, we can have wells and septic tanks. Richard Riley reminded us that impact fees may be waived for redevelopment projects. Mr. Schrader suggested to the GTCA to contact the USF Urban Design Team, Complete a Trilby Improvement Community Development (COMP plan, revised every 7 years in Hernando & Pasco) and submit the data to the COMP team for planning and development.
Habitat for Humanity: Ed Plummel & Matt Hillim (PR & VC) East Pasco Habitat for Humanity, which began in 1997 and has 3 affiliates, is now 10 years old and has built 36 homes. Florida leads in the national goals achieved for the H4H. The Habitat Village (Tucker Ave.) and the Pasco Recycling is now the Race Team 2005! Aluminum (cans) help finance new homes. The Habitat Apostles (churches) built "the Home Store", which sells appliances to fund new homes. Matt is also an Americorp Volunteer.
Ed: the Dade city Business Center has a 3,500 sq. foot retail store for the H4H. The proceeds go towards paying the administration. The H4H is a "Hand-up, not a Hand-out" program. Volunteers must complete 400 hours before you can get approved for a house. No interest rates. H4H will be in the Trilby area by 2007. The requirements are: 1) Need, 2) * volunteers!, 3) property, rebuild & land and 4) For a $55,000 home, a family must qualify, fundraising, and income below 10,000. Use the recycling House for the can recycling program. The H4H now has ink cartridge recycling.
The P.O.P. program Wendy This program builds or restores homes ( 36 to 80,000). Combined with the S.H.I.P program, to provide homes for the disabled, deaf and/or blind. It also has an employment program to benefit the homeowner.
Tina Wells: inquired about ESL programs in Trilby. Pastor Juan said that on Tuesdays & Thursdays everyone meets at the church.
Community CERT/ Substation: Herb stated that he still wants Trilby to have its own substation in the future.
Attending Audience 30 general public, Joe Potter: Pasco News & Geofffox: Tampa Tribune, Herb & Evalyne Green, Richard and Kathy Riley, Roger Kaminski, Ms. Coleman, Ms. King, Wilton Simpson, Kim & Pastor Juan were late.
Board of Directors Present
1. Denny 2. Herb. 3. Kathleen11. 4. Rev. Cassie 5. Bernadine 6. Kim - late 7. Pastor Juan - late 8. Pastor Dave
Minutes of March 17, 2005
The Greater Trilby Community Association, Inc.
Meeting Minutes for March 17, 2005
Kathleen Fink, Secretary
The Pledge of Allegiance: Herb Green, President
Voting: Official voting for elected Board Members approved:
President: Herb Green, Crime Watch Director
Vice-President and Secretary: Kathleen Fink, Education Director
The Crime Watch Herb Green discussed expanding the crime watch security patrol to include Lacoochee. Tony Willim we meet with us on Monday, March 21, 2005, at 2pm. Let Trilby know that we will not patrol Lacoochee, because they already have the Officer Friendly Program.
Guest Speaker: Mr. Wilton Simpson, owner of Simpson’s Farm, Trilby. Mr. Simpson began by speaking to our citizens at this meeting, by letting everyone know that the current county commissioners are not in the control of development plans, which were previously passed by the former county commissioners. They are responsible for the recent population and growth. The growth management plan is approved every 8 years. The last time was in 1997. This plan is now being reviewed by the DCA. The current county commissioners can approve NOW, what development plans that WE as N.E. Pasco citizens, want for our families and the future, in regards to positive economic development. What do we want for the future?*
The Citizen's Advisory Board, (or CAC) is appointed by the county. We want to preserve our property rights!* The Penny for Pasco is 25% of the county's financial budget. It is set aside for environmental & development properties. This board, have proposed water reservoirs, De Sal plants and zoning laws. WE NEED TO USE WISELY, THE IMPACT FEES, TO SAVE OUR LAND APPRAISALS!
Denny Mihalinec, our CEO and Public Relations Director, wanted to know more about the Cummer Mill Industrial Park. Mr. Simpson replied, that it is competing with the Dade City Business Center (Lykes-Pasco). The Cummer Mill does not have a waste water system, but it does have a train spur. We would have to: 1) waive the impact fees, which is $ 9,000, right now and 2) Develop the infrastructure. Always remember to pay attention to our zoning plans.
1. The Pasco County School Board wants to increase the impact fees to $11,000.
2. Every Housing Development needs a mixture of jobs and homes.
Denny encouraged everyone at the meeting to write their own ideas for specific issues and/or ideas and return the form(s) on Thursday, March 24, 2005, at 7:00pm. (Herb & Kathleen will not be at this meeting, due to the PCSO academy).
Kathy Bell. Program Manager for Healthy Families of Pasco, inquired about the infrastructure and affordable housing. Mr. Simpson replied, that WE (in his opinion) need to tear down the old Lacoochee Elementary School and build a new up-dated school. We really do not want our kids in a school, which can be contaminated by a nearby industrial park.
Kim Rowe, owner of Kim's Play-a-Round, announced that the putt-putt golf tournament is on Saturday March 19, 2005, and all the proceeds will benefit the Trilby United Methodist Church's Steeple Restoration cost.
Kathleen Fink, announced the Children's Safety Rally, will be held on the Withlacoochee State Trail, on Saturday, May 7, 2005. We need vendors and sponsors.
Ted Schrader: He is our County Commissioner and will be our April 21, 2005 meeting's guest speaker.
Present Board Members.
1. Denny
2. Herb Green.
3. Kathleen Fink.
4. Bernadine King.
5. Kim Rowe 11.
6. Eileen Lamb
Absent Board Members .
7. Pauline
8. Rev.
Cassie Coleman
9. Past Dave
10. Pastor
Minutes of February 17, 2005
Minutes of February 17, 2005 general meeting of the Trilby
Community Association.
Richard Riley, Secretary
Meeting called together at 7:02 by President Denny Mihalinec. The Invocation was given by Denny. Vice President Herb Green led the Pledge of Allegiance
The following Officers and Board Members were present:
Denny Mihalinec, President, Herb Green, Vice President, Kathleen Fink, Treasurer, Richard Riley, Secretary.
Board Members: Eileen Lamb, Juan Garay, Kim Rowe
Attendance was approximately twenty-four including board and speakers.
Old Business:
Vice President Karyn Pirrello submitted her resignation in January, stating family health problems and time concerns.
Herb Green was elected to the position of Vice President in February through telephone and e-mail polling.
Eileen Lamb was elected to the Board of Directors in February through telephone and e-mail polling. Denny appointed her as Chair of the Senior Programs.
Guest Speaker:
John Walsh of the Pasco Economic Development Council spoke on the future of Industrial growth in Pasco County.
He spoke for 25 minutes on how his office seeks light and heavy industry to be established in the county to bring in new funds and jobs. He told of the centers where most of the growth is concentrated, and focused on the Dade City Business Center and the Lacoochee industrial site. Nothing is planned to be moving into either of those sites at the moment, but his office is trying. At present, it is difficult to attract businesses to the Lacoochee site because it lacks an adequate sewer plant. There are plans to construct a plant in the Zephyrhills / Dade City area which could be connected to the Lacoochee site. He then answered questions from the audience.
New Business and Announcements
Denny reported about the Pasco Opportunity Program that will be partnering with TCA to assist homeowners in the Northeast Pasco area. Some of their services will include renovating and rehabbing homes for people in need.
Denny announced that Kathy Riley would be editor of the new “Greater Trilby News” newsletter. Pastor Juan will layout and publish the paper and Herb will be responsible for printing it. Kathleen will work with Denny and the “Trail Blazers” youth group in distributing copies of the paper to homes and churches in the area. First edition will be distributed Saturday, March 5. Committee chairs are expected to send articles to Kathy at kwr48@yahoo.com as soon as possible. Other input from the community is welcomed.
Denny read a list of the present committees and asked for more people to join and assist the chairs. He would like people to help him on the Public Relations and Commerce Committees that he chairs, Kathleen would like more people on her Education and Youth Committee, and there needs to be a person in charge of a Fund Raising Committee. Richard invited people to attend the next Historical Committee on Monday, February 21st.
Denny announced that there would be a work party this Saturday at 10 a.m. to help repaint the Community Center. Paint has been donated, and water and ice will be provided by Jim Stephens of the Sawmill Campground and sandwiches will be provided by Mr. Denney at the Farm Basket.
Herb reported on the Safety Committee. He introduced four members of the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office in attendance. They were Lt. Reed, Sgt. Blum, Sgt. Bishop, and Cpl. Perez. Lt. Reed stated that they had no presentation, only wanted to be present to support the community and the Trilby Community Association.
Herb reported that Keith Moody, his Assistant Chairman would be establishing a mounted component of the Security Patrol. It was reported in the Tampa Tribune last week. He handed out descriptions of the PCSO’s Citizen’s Academy which is a course in understanding law enforcement. The next class is scheduled of March 1. It meets each Tuesday and Thursday for six weeks. Richard later reported that the horse access gate at the Owensburo park and Corbett road of the Withlacoochee Trail has been constructed.
Richard reported on the Historical Committee’s first meeting last month. ten people were in attendance. Scott Black is Assistant Chairman. The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, February 21st at the Trilby Methodist Church. A showing of the 1915 or 1935 movie of the book “Trilby” will be discussed as well as plans to promote the history of the area. Richard also reported that the flooring of the old Trilby National Bank has been unearthed by the County as they cleaned up the property behind the Community Center.
Pastor Juan reported that he is in need of support for the repair of the steeple of his historic church next to the Community Center. Kim will be holding a fundraising miniature golf tournament at his business on March 19th. It is hoped that Bob Larkin’s construction company can provide an estimate of the repair costs. Pastor Dave Raley of the New Life Church expressed support of the historical building and center of Trilby.
Denny publicly thanked the County and the County Commissioners in their support of the improvements for the Community Center and the area around it. Brush has been cleared behind the center and improvements are being discussed.
Eileen reported on the Senior Committee and her activities. There will be new community activities planned for March. Oil painting will be starting on March 2, line dancing on March 4. Classes will be on Tuesday and Friday at 10 am. Bingo will begin on Monday, March 7th.
There will be a hoedown Dance on Saturday, March 5th. Dancing will include called round dancing, line dancing, and slow dancing. Denny will provide the DJ music. Admission will be $5. Donations of drinks and finger-food are being sought.
Kim reported on the Recreation Committee’s Bike Club. At the moment, there are weekly rides on the trail. Kim leads the ride up to Rt. 50 bridge at 11:30 on Wednesday, and Denny leads a Saturday, 9:30 trip down to George and Gladys’s for breakfast.
Kathleen reported on the Education and Youth Committee and her plans to organize a Children’s Safety Rally for this year’s Mother’s Day, May 8. She will be going to Sarasota to talk to the people that developed a similar one for Carlie Brucia, the girl that was abducted and killed last year. During the event, she plans to plant a Magnolia on the Trail.
Denny described the new recycled cans collection box in front of the center and church that has been built by his church youth group. Cans will be collected and delivered to Pasco Habitat for Humanity.
Meeting adjourned at 8:21 p.m.
Minutes of January 20, 2005 general meeting of the Trilby Community Association.
Meeting called together at 6:03 by President Denny Mihalinec. The Invocation was given by Board Member Herb Green. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Jeremiah Fink.
The following Officers and Board Members were present:
Denny Mihalinec, President, Kathleen Fink, Treasurer, Richard Riley, Secretary.
Board Members: Herb Green, Juan Garay, Kim Rowe
Attendance was approximately twenty-five including board and speakers.
Denny read his “Live the Dream” presentation and stated that those missions and goals are what will guide our Association in helping Trilby.
Denny announced that the Dade City Chamber of Commerce will host a celebration of the opening of the Owensboro Park. It is the southern terminus of the Withlacoochee trail. The “grand opening” celebration will be on Wednesday, February 4th.
Mickey Thomason, Central Region Manager of the Office of Greenways and Trail, and James Davis, Withlacoochee State Trail Manager made a 20-minute presentation on the history and use of the Withlacoochee Trail. Some highlights are: The trail is 760 acres, 47 miles, 12 feet wide, and has been is operation for 9 years. Dogs must be on leashes, it is closed at night, and is one of the top ten rails-to-trails in the US, according to National Geographic. Public access is only at the points where the trail intersects public roads.
Denny stated that he had attended previous “summits” on the future of such trails in the area, and hoped that there would be more meetings about extending the trails to Dade City, Zephyrhills, and other communities and sites.
The topic of the empty building at the old Rail Station park was brought up, and the officials stated that they were looking for a public safety person who would like to live there rent free.
Kathleen and Denny announced that TCA has become certified with “Career Central” and now can issue “community service” hours for students and others that contribute time and effort to the Trilby area.
Denny introduced four members of the new Diamond Academy, which is being set up at the old Feed Store on US 301, by Cummer Avenue. They were: Judy Bergantino, Director; Billy M. Jones, Project Coordinator; and Sandra Garcia de la Noceda, Teacher.
They stated that their presence will provide Family Literacy and Vocational Services. They are remodeling the building for classrooms. They will be a licensed child care and Even Start center for children birth to five years.
Judy asked if they could work with TCA and use the community center for some of their classes. Denny stated that since he was the person responsible for the center, that with the approval of the board, that we could allow them to. It was determined that there was a quorum of Board members. In a special Board of Directors meeting called at that time, Richard moved that in coordination with the other users, the Diamond Academy use the Community Center, as necessary, for some of their classes and services. Motion seconded by Herb Green. Questions from the floor included asking if the Academy had certified teachers and if they had liability insurance. Judy assured us that they had both. A vote of the present Board Members was unanimously in favor.
Denny then introduced Sierra O’Neil of Healthy Facilities. She is partnering with TCA and the Trilby Methodist Church in developing a resource center and “The Store House” which will open in February in the original part of the church. Denny mentioned that the church will be 107 years old this year.
Pastor Juan stated that his church not only has room for the resource center for Healthy Facilities, but that it has small and large classrooms that perhaps the Diamond Academy could use till they get set up.
Richard reported that he was organizing the first of the Historical Committee meeting next Monday, January 24th.
Herb reported that the first security patrol is scheduled to be this Friday, January 21st. Richard and Keith Moody would be in the first two-hour patrol. There are 12 people in the group, but he needs more people to be trained and work with the patrols. Meetings of the Security Patrol team are at 6 pm on the first Thursday of each month at the Community center.
Kathleen reported on the Trilby Trailblazers.
16, 2004 meeting of
Trilby Community Association
Sixteen adults and many youth and children present
All officers and board members were in attendance (7)
Meeting was called to order at 6:08 pm
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Board Member Herb
Invocation was given by Board Member Pastor Cassie
Main Speaker, John Walsh, Pasco Economic Development
Council and head of The Pasco county business and industry committee who was on
the agenda had car trouble and was unable to attend.
Resident Eddie Perez who asked for support about a
stoplight at George and Gladys’ intersection and was on the agenda was not in
President Denny Mihalinec made a special award to Kim
Rowe, owner of the paintball and miniature golf center.
He sponsored and helped build the float for the Christmas Parade for the
Trilby Community Association. He
has been active and supportive and was appreciated by the meeting attendees.
Kim and Denny spoke about trying to encourage the
establishment of a bike riding group/club that can have regularly scheduled
treks up the Withlacoochee trail. There
are already groups in the northern part of the trail, but not any that we know
about down here. Kim wants to get
ten people together to start and then grow.
President Denny asked that Kim Rowe of Trilby and
Pauline J Hunt, Trilby Postmistress be added to the Board of Directors.
Moved by Secretary Richard Riley, seconded by resident Evaline Green.
Vote was unanimously in favor.
Herb presented President Denny with a copy of Roberts
Rules of Order. After asking for
volunteers, he assigned resident Eileen Lamb as parliamentarian.
She promised to study the book and assist with the meeting in the future.
Resident Lovea Thomas and her Doll Club were singled
out as being a major supporter of the area Toys for Tots program and helped in
its success
President Denny announced that an anonymous
benefactor would like to support a small college scholarship for a Trilby youth.
More information will be given when available.
President Denny discussed the web site www.trilbyfl.com
that Secretary Richard has set up. Board
member Cassie suggested that there be a newsletter posted on the site.
Secretary Richard volunteered to be editor.
Reports and New Business
Board Member Herb reported that twelve members of the
Security Patrol have passed the class and background checks.
Meetings are on the first Thursday of every month.
Herb and Denny reported that they are seeking funding assistance four
purchasing the “crime watch” signs.
Board member Pastor Cassie invited members to an
event celebrating the achievements of members in the Mt. Olive congregation at
the Ridge Manor Community Center on the 19th at 7 pm.
She also reported that Mt. Pleasant congregation on
Robbins Rd. will have a watch night service from 10 pm to midnight on New
Year’s Eve.
Board Member Pastor Juan invited members to
candlelight services with the choir from the San Antonio church and locals at 7
pm on the 24th.
President Denny reported that Pastor Dave Raily will
be helping
Santa Claus will be at the Community Center,
immediately after the meeting: Approximately
7 p.m.
Next meeting of the Crime watch / Security Patrol
committee will be on January 6, 2005.
Next meeting of the Greater Trilby Community
Association will be on January 20, 2005.
November 24, 2004
Minutes of November 18, 2004 meeting
Attendance was 24 adults and youth.
President Denny Mihalinec called the meeting to order at 6 pm.
Pastor Cassie Coleman provided the invocation
Jeremiah Fink led in the Pledge of Allegiance
Secretary Richard Riley provided copies of the minutes of the previous meeting
Denny announced that the Board of Directors had asked Pastor Juan Garay of the Trilby Methodist Church and Pastor Cassie Coleman of the Mt. Olive AMC if they would be interested in being nominated for the board. He then nominated them to be the sixth and seventh members of the TCA Board of Directors. Richard called for a second and the motion was seconded from the floor. The vote was called and both were elected unanimously.
Treasurer Kathleen Fink spoke of how the youth of the area will be working with the Crime Watch committee.
Board Member Herb Green reported on the training that was held on November 8 at the Trilby Methodist Church next door. Tony of the Sheriff’s Office stated that he was pleased that there was such a good turnout and that the certificates of training would be available after the preliminary screening was completed. Deputies Jemie Fulsom and Chad Tadlock were in attendance and explained how they would work with the Crime Watch and how they would provide us with statistics on crime in the area. They also reported on how the Boys and Girls club in Lacoochee will be getting sponsorship by a Tampa group and that on December 2nd, Home Depot will be re-painting the club and helping with renovations.
Kathleen introduced Don Meeks of the Florida Sheriff’s Youth Ranches. He presented a 20 minute talk describing the history of the Ranches and the value that they have for some of the youth of the state. There are four ranches throughout the state with over 180 in attendance and summer camps where more than 1000 youth attend.
Denny made presentations of plaques to six of the Trilby youth who helped during the Hurricanes this summer. They were: xxxxxx. Pasco News reporter, Joe Potter took a photograph of all the recipients.
Richard spoke about his attendance at the “Northeast Pasco Concerned Citizens” meetings in Dade City. They are presently working with County Government on changes and growth in the Blanton and St. Joseph area. He has been asked to coordinate with any people in the Trilby area that would like to work with the group on “intelligent growth”.
The meeting adjourned at 6:54.
Previous meetings
Meeting of May 2004
No notes taken
Meeting of June 2004
Attending: Kathleen Fink, Karyn Pirrello, Colleen Pirrello, Richard Riley
What can be the future of Trilby? Developments, land sales to the west of town. Need to develop and publish a vision for the community and a mission for this organization. If we don't work with the County Commissioners, we could just become an extension of Dade City or developers. If we have a plan for development, business expansion, standards, people may listen. If we have nothing, there is nothing that anybody can react to. We need to have a greater presence with the County Commissioners and learn of their plans for the area -- if any. They need to know that there is a group of interested people that would like to help them with the Trilby community.
Denny has started this, we need to help him keep it going.
Also discussed: The park on 98 on the river at the Hernando line should be opened. It used to be a nice picnic park, but is now closed. It is reported that the Police had it closed because of illegal activities after dark.
Meeting of July 15, 2004
Notes of July 15, 2004 (Third Thursday of the month)
Attending: Denny Mihalinec, Karyn Pirrello, Charles Herb Green, Eileen McGuire Lamb, Richard Riley, Kathy Riley
Positive comments were made about the condition and value of the community center. It provides us a place to meet and discuss the future of the community.
First steps in making ourselves legitimate and valuable. 1) Get more people involved. 2) Get incorporated as a non-profit organization. 3) Begin steps in seeking a 501 C(3) tax exempt status. Need legal assistance. 4) Determine community needs and priorities. 5) Develop business plan and seek grants and gifts.
Part of step 4 should include a comprehensive survey.
What are our community's weaknesses?
What are our community's strengths?
What present organizations can we work with, help, and receive help from?
It was decided that we need to become more organized in order to start the legal organization of the Association. Herb suggested that we establish a Steering Committee to nominate officers and develop a set of by-laws for operation.
At a vote, the following Steering Committee was established
Denny Mihalinec, Chair
Karyn Pirrello, Vice Chair
Richard K Riley, Secretary
It was decided that membership to the association is open to all who own property, have a business in, or live in the Trilby area. The Trilby area is defined as north to the county line, east to Lacoochee, West to the Blanton Road, and as far south as people want to, probably well beyond Christian Road.
Richard said he would investigate the process to incorporate ourselves as the Lacoochee Circle of Hope has done.
The next meeting will discuss the process for organization, elect officers, and begin work on by-laws.
Next meeting is scheduled for August 19, 2004
Richard will work to establish an additional web page
Minutes of August 19, 2004
Mihalinec, Old Trilby Road
Fink, Old Trilby Road
Pirrello, Trilby Trails
Williamson, Dade City
Riley, Old Trilby Road
Riley, Old Trilby Road
Greenwell, St Leo/Samaritans
Oderm, St. Leo/Samaritans
Green, Trilby PO
Lamb, Trilby PO
C. Clark, Webster
Phinney, Trilby Road
Leverock, Old Trilby Road
Raley, Trilby PO
White, Trilby Trails
White, Trilby Trails
several reporters and other family members
was called to order at 6 p.m. A
blessing was given by Debra. An
agenda was not presented, but the major business stated was to reorganize the
association in order to get formal and legal standing.
Richard R. handed out minutes of previous meetings and suggested that people discuss the reasons that there should be a community association.
spoke about the history of his trying to get an association and those that he
has had assistance from, including Kathleen and Debra.
Kathleen spoke about the need for increased police presence and safety.
She has also wanted the picnic area on the river and Rt. 98 reopened with
increased police presence.
was suggested that a police sub-station or presence be visible, perhaps near the
Community Center.
reminded us that the County has been upgrading the Community Center by trimming
trees and making minor repairs to the building.
was mentioned that the Association should consider assisting local residents
that need help.
mentioned that she had developed a website, www.northeastpasco.com
that has information about our Association.
discussed the requirements for getting the area designated a “crime watch
community”. He also reported that
he is trying to get the County to do a traffic survey to put a full traffic
light to replace the flashing light at Trilby Road and US 98.
R was given the floor to start some of the organization of the association.
The name of the Association was designated “Greater Trilby Community
Association”. Nominations from
the floor were sought for four officers. All
officers selected were elected as sole nominees and unanimously.
The present officers are:
Mihalinec, President
Pirrello, Vice President
Riley, Secretary
Fink, Treasurer
officers will work on the by-laws and incorporation papers.
reminded us that there is a “outhouse race” at the Pioneer Museum in a week
and a half, and did we want to enter. It
was agreed that we would try to. Denny
will coordinate, and the “outhouse” will be built at the Fink’s.
adjourned at 7:07 p.m.
Minutes of September 16, 2004
Meeting was called to order by President Denny Mihalinec at 5:59 PM.
Attendance was over 40 adults plus children.
Pastor Juan Garay gave the invocation
Herb Green led the assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Denny introduced Mike Simerl, Community Relations Officer of FEMA who spoke for 15 minutes on how local residents can get assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. He described some of the problems that FEMA will help with a loan or grant. His primary message was to have people call the special 800 phone line to begin the process.
Herb Green introduced Tony Wilim, Director of the Crime Watch Program for the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office and Deputy Gennis Folson a crime prevention specialist. They spoke on what the residents need to do to institute a crime watch program in this area. They pointed out that there is already a program organized by the pastor of the Mt. Olive Church and the neighborhood surrounding it. They handed out information about how to report crimes, and how to help investigations. Questions were presented about what could be done about speeding on 575, and Officer Folson reported that if somebody requested Trilby be put on an “Area Watch”, they would pay more attention to the neighborhood. Herb promised to follow up on this.
Denny introduced Dorothy Wood and Carol Cruz who spoke on individuals supporting a petition limiting high-density development. They handed out copies of the petition to those landowners interested.
Richard explained need to organize and incorporate. He asked for somebody to nominate Herb Green to be a Director. It was so nominated from the floor and passed unanimously. He asked for the four present officers to be nominated as the other four Directors. It was so nominated and passed unanimously.
Denny thanked all the speakers and praised the large turnout of interested citizens.
Meeting adjourned at 7:02 PM.
After the formal meeting, distribution of remaining water, baby formula, and donated clothes from FEMA, County and Community contributions was made to those who needed it.
Tcamin05.doc October 15, 2004
Minutes of the October 14 meeting
The meeting had been re-scheduled to the SECOND Thursday in the month to accommodate other schedules.
Attendance was 42 people at the First Methodist Church, next to the Trilby Community Center. Four of the five directors were in attendance. Karyn Pirrello was ill.
Meeting began with special guest Scott Black giving a one-hour talk on some stories and histories of Trilby. Scott grew up in Trilby and is an un-official historian of the area. He spoke about the old buildings, the exact location of the city early in the 20th century, the cemeteries, and many other details that he is discovering in the archives of the Dade City Banner (now the Pasco Times).
After the presentation, several reports and notices were made.
Denny Mihalinec spoke about the bloodmobile that he had scheduled and urged attendees to donate after the meeting. Participation was light.
Denny announced the formation of five committees, Commerce and Public Relations (Denny), Grants (Karyn), Historical (Richard), Education and Youth (Kathleen), and Safety (Herb).
Herb Green reported on the Safety committee.
The pastor of the Mt. Olive Church, stated that they have had a crime watch program for the past six or seven months, and would like to work with us in making both programs stronger.
Herb introduced Jeremiah Fink who will be coordinating the youth component of the program.
Richard Riley reported on the completed Articles of Incorporation and stated that they had been submitted to the state on that date. He thanked Debra Williamson for also posting them on her northeastpasco.com website.
Debra made several suggestions as to the incorporation and business procedures and how to file some of the forms on-line. She offered to help with the process.
Meeting adjourned at 7:25, 25 minutes later than scheduled.
Next meeting will be November 18.