Rally2.htm  June 9, 2006  August 30, 2006  Return to Festival home page

Trilby Fall Festival and Children’s Safety Rally 

Saturday September 30th,  the Greater Trilby Community Association will sponsor its second annual Children’s Safety Rally.

This year, the rally will include a community Fall Festival. It will be at the same location, the central community area that includes the United Methodist Church, the Community Center House, and the CR575 crossing with the Withlacoochee Trail.

A child identity kit will be provided for each child, which will include a DNA sample, fingerprints, a photograph, and personal information that will be given to all parents or guardians. This should be done each year so that the information is up to date. Association Vice President, Kathleen Fink, will be coordinating these children’s services.

The rally will be held from 10 am to 2 pm. Food and entertainment will be available.

One of the events planned will be a dedication of a small part of the Withlacoochee Trail as a "memorial park" with several concrete seats. Earlier this year, The Christian Edge donated a number of Magnolia trees that Steve Stackhouse, State Trail Manager has helped plant in the Trilby area.

Herb Green, President, will coordinate activities that involve the Sheriff’s Office, such as safety presentations and Community Security Patrol information.

Notices will be posted and information released to the newspapers with further details.


Last year’s activities included safety helmets and hiking supplies donated by Jim Davis of the Trail and a talk by Ginny Waite-Brown, introduced by Denny Mihalinec.